В министерство окружающей среды Швеции отправлена просьбя создать пункты приема отработанных ламп и батарей в Ikea-Belaya Dacha. А также, вырыть пруд вместо уничтоженного во время строительства торгового центра. Посмотрим, что они ответят.
http://www.government.se/sb/d/2151 Dear Sir or Madam:
I am writing to draw your attention to some ecological problems that IKEA has made in Russia.
Unfortunately, IKEA in Russia doesn't care about ecology like they do in Sweden.
Fistly, IKEA-Belaya Dacha had destroyed a pond and on the place of the pond built its shopping center.
Secondly, IKEA-Belaya Dacha sells electrical bulbs and batteries with mercury. Collecting points in IKEA's shops are closed. So, customers have to throw burned-out bulbs and dead batteries in regular garbage cans. It causes mercury contamination.
I would greatly appreciate it if you would command to IKEA's head office to open collecting points for dead batteries and burned-out bulbs and build a pond near IKEA-Belaya Dacha instead of destroyed one.
I look forward to your reply and the resolution of the matter. Please contact me at the above addrredd, or by phone at: +7<skipped>.
I hope that you will attend to this matter promptly, as it is causing me considerable inconvenience.